[accordion_toggle title=”Mayor”]
- Curtis Antoniak
- 110 S Second Street,
- Jeannette PA, 15644

[accordion_toggle title=”Jeannette Council”]
- Commissioner Ted Kopus
- 724-830-3102
- 2 North Main St Ste 101,
- Greensburg, PA, 15601
- Commissioner Ted Kopas first took the oath of office in May 2010. He has focused his efforts on improving services and ending waste. Among his many outside interests, Ted is particularly involved with organizations that help and support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A native of Westmoreland City, he now lives in Hempfield Township with his wife and their five children, Elle, Alex, Quinn, Jack, and Teddy.

[accordion_toggle title=”Chief of Police”]Content for accordion toggle 3 goes here…[/accordion_toggle]
[accordion_toggle title=”Fire Chief”]Content for accordion toggle 3 goes here…[/accordion_toggle]
[accordion_toggle title=”School Officials”]Content for accordion toggle 3 goes here…[/accordion_toggle]
[one_half]Police Department[/one_half] [one_half_last]Jeannette Council[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Fire Department[/one_half] [one_half_last]School Officals[/one_half_last]
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[content_block bg_image=”https://www.jeannetteba.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Jeannette-Police-edited2.jpg” max_bg_width=”yes” bg_fixed=”yes” bg_position=”center top” bg_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_size=”auto” parallax_scroll=”no” bg_color=”#7a7a7a” content_padding=”60px 0″ font_color=”#ffffff” class=””][/content_block]